My own angel Wuaza.
The angels arrived in my life. They brought with them a stillness and a certainty. They came bearing gifts of colour and patterns in their ethereal light. I did not understand yet I painted their essence and I mused on their presence.
The angels brought empowerment and a future full of immense light and love, not just for me but for anyone who wishes to see and believe.
Among their colours were the missing pieces of a jigsaw slowly taking place in my mind. The puzzle began 2 decades ago when I (foolishly) tried to understand the bigger picture of therapies I practised and how they worked with my scientific background. I soon gave up and the pieces of paper were thrown away and I thought forgotten. Life is not as simple as that and years later my spirit guides pushed me along corridors and paths which led to the light of the answers and the links I sought.
The angels came much later, like the icing on the cake. They were white, effervescent, uplifting and full of surprises. With the help of the angels the ideas began to take on a new life and a new way of healing slowly began to take shape.
The spiritual light and the colours of emotions forms a common basis to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Rebirthing, Reiki and Spiritual Healing.
My belief was that every therapy was true to its foundations and every therapy helped others. To link them together took me on many journeys, both spiritual to the stars and deep inside my core searching for the answers which at one level I already knew. Every therapy helped form a part of the overall picture, every therapy worked well in its own right but together they make the whole. Together they give a new understanding and just as with the missing jigsaw pieces and the angels, when the therapies are finally put together a few missing links are brightly illuminated. With these in place a whole new way of looking at health arises.
The truth is always beautifully simple. This is as true in science as in anything else. A complicated explanation is often wrong or at least only a part of the picture. So too with our energies, our thoughts and the stories of our complicated extraordinary lives over the millennia.
All these therapies and more, work on the same energies, or thoughts as they flow through the body. The nebulous concept of ‘energy’ equates with thoughts and emotions. Positive ones have nothing to hold them back and flow easily through the body. Other emotions are held onto and in the process form blockages in the physical body. This is the basis of dis-ease at all levels.
The angels have led me to this point. Can I explain my ideas? Does anyone want to know? Was my idea from decades ago really as stupid as I sometimes feel? I tell others to believe in miracles, can I also believe in such a miracle which will allow others to see the beauty of the angels and to feel inspired in their presence?
for other images of the angels see