Thursday 28 April 2011

An Angel for 'The Wedding'

As Kate and Prince William’s big day arrives crowds will gather to line the route. Their friends will fill Westminster Abbey and the angels will fill the void high above.

Angels arrive to help celebrate every marriage or declaration of love from a humble church or simple registry office to the most magnificent wedding in the greatest Cathedral. The angels bring with them unadulterated joy and happiness to fill the special day. With the heavenly hordes come our ancestors, our family who can no longer be there in person and friends still in our thoughts. Princess Diana will be one of many souls watching from high above the altar as the couple declare their love to the world.

Shramrella is one of many angels who will gather to link Kate and Prince William to their wider universal family and to bestow on them the ultimate love and blessings for the years ahead. Her soft greens are for a gentle love which should last for years and change over time becoming richer and deeper over time. Her twinkling sparks of stars connect us all to the love of the heavens and the all encompassing universal love which arrives with the angels to comfort us all.

For further information on the angels see

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Darkest Angel

Barrille - the Darkest Angel of the Pack

414 angels, created not in a flash, but over 3 years.

414 angel images of swirling colours with deeply symbolic messages of love, of faith, of human fraility and for the healing of the human soul.

414 angels that have arrived to light up the darkness of my days with their incredibly inspirational energies. With these angels around my thoughts can only turn to the highest thoughts I can possibly have and to the almost unbelievable hope I have for the world as a whole.

I have angels of world peace with powerful messages about the ways of man with death and destruction with little concern for the planet. These angels are the latest and the last angels I have created. They have power beyond imagination and have appeared at a time when the world seems to be balancing on a precipice.

It is over 2000 years since Jesus first told his stories, yet their messages have still not sunk home. These are messages of love, of giving, of trusting and mosayt importantly a belief in something very great, the immortality of the soul.

Why do big institutions still plunder the land? Why are money and power still controlling factors in how decisions are made? Why is fear at the very fouindation of our consciousness? And why do we cling onto the fear as if a fear of life itself is to be welcomed. In the arena of the angels fear can be banished forever and replaced with an influx of universal light and love.

It only takes a moment to decide to change a life.

It can take a lifetime to change our way of thinking, but it only takes a second to let in the light of the world. This small pinprick of light can expand and can trigger equally small pockets of light to blaze again to fill the whole of us and the whole of the earth with love and light.

The sight of an angel is such a trigger, a fleeting glimpse into another dimension of our world and life changes forever.

My angel pictures are for anyone and come with a warning – Take care, an angel can change your world!

Barrille is the angel for anyone affected directly or indirectly by random acts of terrorism against fellow brothers and sisters the world over.

For more information on the angels see