Sunday 24 July 2011

An Angel for Amy Winehouse

I liked Amy. I liked her quirkiness, her individuality, her beehive and of course her amazing voice.

Like so many others I read of her problems, saw the photos of her ‘high and out of it’ at concerts and of course the photos of the so public brawls

I was always touched by her vulnerability, of a tender soul unused to the ways of the world. I felt it was always possible to pick her up and put her back onto the very rickety rope bridge she had chosen to walk across. We all choose our own paths but at times the choices are burdened by a past which we cannot forget.

Last night I dreamt of Amy as a young female teacher on the Island of Okinawa as the Americans and the Japanese fought over it in the Second World War. One day her little school house got caught up in the fire from planes. I don’t know which side they were on, and it doesn’t really matter which. As the young teacher tried to calm the children and tried to get them to hide under the rustic tables some of them panicked. The children screamed and ran in all directions as she tried to pull them back to the relative safety of the building. She saw one young boy blown up in front of her just before she too was killed by a blast.

These memories from the past especially with terror involved still lurk under the surface and disturb our equilibrium. They affected the balance of her mind in this life as she felt both let down and guilty as she could not protect the children. These memories cannot be reached but drugs or alcohol numb the mind and make the lurking images recede for a while. Drugs themselves though can disturb the consciousness and affect how deep the memories are held and so the use of drugs becomes self defeating. They help to temporarily hide the disturbing dreams or memories yet often bring them closer to the surface and so an addiction begins as the person searches for an elusive inner calm.

I don’t know how she died but I feel it was a problem with her heart both from the years of drug abuse and the memories floating around inside her from the life in the Pacific, not to mention years of heartache in this life as well.

Rest in peace Amy and allow the wonderful strong blues of this angel to calm the terror inside. Allow her to heal the memories of this past life, not to remove the memories because they are a part of you and what make you unique but to remove the pains from the terror inside which haunted you in life. Allow her blue energies to give you the courage to move on into your future.

For more info on the angels please see

Sunday 17 July 2011

Angel for corruption and The News of The World Scandal


It’s a wet Sunday morning in Somerset.

I am so very glad our Healing Show was last weekend and not this one. 3 days in a wet marquee is not my idea of fun. At the show some of the World Peace Angels shone down around my stand. These are the latest, and possibly the last, of the angels which I have painted. I had surrounded their images with beautiful soft white feathers in a boa.

These incredibly powerful angels are present to heal great hurts around the world.

As I sit in my kitchen I can hear once more the ramifications about the phone hacking scandal and the ‘News of The World’. The discussion has spread out to corruption in general and how corrupt our country is. One particular angel just jumped into my mind. This angel is present to help heal the hurts from excessive greed and corruption. She can help the victims of the scandal to feel easier and more importantly she can make the perpetrators face up to their actions. They all used excessive power for their own ends, not for the greater good of the country or for individuals. These individuals had so much power at their fingertips to do good, to inspire and to bring others to account, yet still felt compelled to misuse their position.

As the energies and spiritual light increase across the world then it becomes more difficult to hide away the deeds we do not like. The hiding places in the dark corners of the soul are disappearing into the pool of universal light and love.

These World Peace Angels have appeared to connect us with the wider universe, a sense of morality and a reminder that at some time our actions will come into the open, not necessarily in a karmic way for punishment, but just that the truth will out.

How we respond to these truths show the greatness within the human soul or its smallness as fear rules and we try to evade these truths at all costs.The choice is always ours.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Spirit guides, to welcome in the new

The show is over for another year. We all spent 3 days offerring therapies and healing in our very peaceful marquee. Around us the winds blew, the rain fell heavily and the sun shone but nothing could lower the joy of remeeting old friends and of working together in the common cause of healing. It is 3 days of chilling out, hugging others and doing what we all do best.

In my case I offer spiritual healing. I call it Universal Harmonic Healing, as this name just jumped into my head one day. It is about rebalancing or harmonising the body, the mind, the emotions and reigniting old dreams.

The healing is done not by me but by the angels who always arrive bringing incredible lightness and peace.

A new spirit guide also arrived for me this weekend. She is a beautiful oriental lady with long black hair and an ethereal beauty. Her great light and powerful energies are difficult to focus on but she brings with her a new dimension in the world of healing. Her name was given to me as Lady lavatera and she will be with me whenever I heal others from now onwards. In life she was a female buddhist leader who taught young girls about healing, including me in a past life, over a thousand years ago.

We do not all need to see guides or angels to know of their presence and their power. Sometimes fleeting glimpses of colour, felt around the periphery of the mind, show their arrival. lady Lavatera brings wonderful invigorating pink energies with her. These can wrap around us and keep us safe, protected and loved as healing takes us to a fresh place where miracles are always possible.

For more information on the angels and harmonic art images see

Thursday 7 July 2011

The Angel of the Breath

I have just updated my website, got new leaflets printed, new business cards and am surrounded in the hallway by the paraphenalia for the show. (boxes, treatment couch, display stands). I am spending 3 whole days at the Healing Weekend working in an outdoor marque. This is usually a wonderful show in glorious sunshine, but at present I hear the heavy rain falling outside the house. tomorrow they forcast thunder and lightening. oh well!

I intend to enjoy the show anyway, meeting up with old friends and lots of lovely people for 3 days in the Somerset countryside whatever the rain.

I nornally give a talk at the show, but this year my subject matter was not thought to be suitable for a healing show. my subject was ' The Angels of World Peace'.

These incandescent beings of light are incredibly powerful and amazingly beautiful angels which I have been allowed to glimpse recently. I have created their images as best I can but can never quite capture their brilliance.

These angels are for the big events in life which affect all of us at times. They are the angels to help on the aftermath of a tsunami, an earthquake, a random act of terrorism or for individual hurts and inconsolable grief.

I would like to let the images and light from these angels flood out for others to see. I gave a talk on them yesterday evening to a local group of therapists. As I cannot talk about them at the Healing Weekend I want to spread their word and love via this blogsite.

This turquoise angel is the angel of the breath. She helps people who have ever struggled to breath for whatever reason, including the memories from a past life such as dying in the gas chambers or drowning at sea. Her name is Horacea and she is very apt for a new venture and new workshops in my life.

A friend and I are now running universal rebirthing workshops. these use the power of the conscious connected breath to loosen and release old memories and patterns which hold us back. These new workshops will also be using many of the angels which I have seen and created.

Horacea, the angel of the breath is breathing new life into my workshops and hopefully allowing many others to breathe more easily and to enjoy their life more fully.