Friday 10 September 2010

the Healing of the Angels

My own angel Wuaza.

The angels arrived in my life. They brought with them a stillness and a certainty. They came bearing gifts of colour and patterns in their ethereal light. I did not understand yet I painted their essence and I mused on their presence.

The angels brought empowerment and a future full of immense light and love, not just for me but for anyone who wishes to see and believe.

Among their colours were the missing pieces of a jigsaw slowly taking place in my mind. The puzzle began 2 decades ago when I (foolishly) tried to understand the bigger picture of therapies I practised and how they worked with my scientific background. I soon gave up and the pieces of paper were thrown away and I thought forgotten. Life is not as simple as that and years later my spirit guides pushed me along corridors and paths which led to the light of the answers and the links I sought.

The angels came much later, like the icing on the cake. They were white, effervescent, uplifting and full of surprises. With the help of the angels the ideas began to take on a new life and a new way of healing slowly began to take shape.

The spiritual light and the colours of emotions forms a common basis to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Rebirthing, Reiki and Spiritual Healing.

My belief was that every therapy was true to its foundations and every therapy helped others. To link them together took me on many journeys, both spiritual to the stars and deep inside my core searching for the answers which at one level I already knew. Every therapy helped form a part of the overall picture, every therapy worked well in its own right but together they make the whole. Together they give a new understanding and just as with the missing jigsaw pieces and the angels, when the therapies are finally put together a few missing links are brightly illuminated. With these in place a whole new way of looking at health arises.

The truth is always beautifully simple. This is as true in science as in anything else. A complicated explanation is often wrong or at least only a part of the picture. So too with our energies, our thoughts and the stories of our complicated extraordinary lives over the millennia.

All these therapies and more, work on the same energies, or thoughts as they flow through the body. The nebulous concept of ‘energy’ equates with thoughts and emotions. Positive ones have nothing to hold them back and flow easily through the body. Other emotions are held onto and in the process form blockages in the physical body. This is the basis of dis-ease at all levels.

The angels have led me to this point. Can I explain my ideas? Does anyone want to know? Was my idea from decades ago really as stupid as I sometimes feel? I tell others to believe in miracles, can I also believe in such a miracle which will allow others to see the beauty of the angels and to feel inspired in their presence?

for other images of the angels see

Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Roller Coaster Ride of Life

My life seems to be part of a roller coaster ride which has been gathering pace over the last few years. I don’t know what speed it will reach or where the final destination will be.

20 years ago I lived a normal life as a teacher newly married and doing up a house. Fairly normal and as I remember and fairly slow with time to think and enjoy just being and living. 15 years ago I had a young child and worked part time. Still fairly normal and even with the demands of a child there was still time for life. 10 years ago, as I was training in therapies, my world changed forever as the voices of the spirits entered my consciousness. My rollercoaster ride had begun. The spirit guides around me took me to plumb the depths of the soul from times gone by reliving many past lives, remembering the people that I injured and the trauma to myself, including the pains both emotional and physical from all manner of deaths. The spirits also took me to the heights of the heavens where the views expand over the whole world and the angels reside.

Now I would hardly recognise the woman from 20 years ago, undoubtedly a problem for my husband who sometimes looks at me and wonders! Once the spiritual rollercoaster begins there is no exiting the carriage and the journey can be both exhilarating and inspirational as answers arrive to so many of life’s mysteries.

In 2010 the speed of life for so many people seems to be speeding up as the roller coasters for so many get rolling forward. Where will they all end? I have no idea but I would not want to leave my ride now as I feel excitement mounting as if the carriage is going to jump into hyperspace and come to a soft landing somewhere in the universe.
See my website for the images of the angels as I see them at

Monday 6 September 2010

An Angel for Change

A morning like so many others, a dull day but warm in the early autumn but changes are in the air. A single thought can bring massive swings of the mind, amazing shifts in energies and unexpected certainty over the path lying ahead.

Eight years ago I was suddenly inspired to write a book. Ideas flooded in and a book began to take shape. More flashes of inspiration landed and ideas for other books were born. A series of spiritual books floated in front of my eyes which I saw as changing my world and setting my life on a new course.

How many rejection letters and instantly returned manuscripts can anyone take? Many of the manuscripts were not even opened just immediately placed in my return envelope and sent back. Disappointments, anger, rage at the futility of trying, sadness and guilt at the amount of time involved in writing rather than being with family, so many emotions over so many years over books and stories which I still feel have interest for others.

A year ago I asked for the right spiritual publisher for my book rather than one of the big boys which I had been trying. A few days later an old friend contacted me to tell me about his new book being published in America. I took this as a sign and an answer to my question. I sent a manuscript off and waited. 6 months later another rejection letter but this time it elicited a different response in me. There was no surprise, no anger but surprisingly relief. I had finally let go of the idea of getting a publisher for my books, but not for getting the books out.

The first book will be on my website very soon. With the miracle of the digital revolution anyone around the world can find my book and buy it directly. I have to believe in a new way of being, a new way of finding information and a new way of buying what we need. As my first book goes onto the website I will place my trust firmly in the guides and the angels who have inspired it – ‘The Colour of Angels’ on

Tamini is the angel for the courage to change old rooted ideas and to grow spiritually and as I knew for certain that I would sell this book myself her wonderful turquoise and violet energies filled my mind and my soul.