Tuesday 20 October 2009

High Blood Pressure and Angel Chi

Angel Chi
Chamini was one of the first of the amazing healing angels that I saw. She arrives in a swirl of orange and gold energies and like all the angels she lifts my heart and lightens my soul. As her energies unfurl a beautiful orange angel appears with a translucency around her full of sprinkles of shimmering lights and stars.
Chamini can make her presence felt with warmth as her energies touch our own. Her love and her warmth flows through the core of our being and help to calm our stresses. A picture of Chamini has been used by one lady for about 3 months now.
Angela was told she had high blood pressure and wanted to avoid medication. After spending a year trying many alternatives fron herbs to healing she reluctantly had to follow the advice of the medics and began to take medication for high blood pressure. When I met her months ago she wondered if the angels could help.
A flash of orange light appeared in my mind and the image of Chamini appeared. From her wings glimmering lights shone and flickered and I felt that this angel might with high blood pressure. I posted out the image of Chamini and waited with excitement.
A month later an email arrived to say that her blood pressure was slowly falling and she had started to slowly reduce her medication. The nurse at the surgery was not happy with this, but sometimes life can be unexpected and wonderfully welcoming. 3 months later she emailed to say that she was off all medication as her blood pressure had returned to normal levels. The nurse was now scratching her head in amazement.
Thank you Chamini. Your colours and energies entered her psyche and gave hope to her beautiful soul. Your love lit up her body and helped heal it from inside. You are a magnificient angel.
For more information on the angels visit www.angelsrus.co.uk

Monday 5 October 2009

Welcome to Angel Chi

Sometimes life seems fast and furious and we feel we are continually rushing just to keep up with yesterday. It has been a lot like that for me for the last few months and the blog has fallen to one side, not forgatten about but a victim of the fleeting incessant movement of time.

The angels came thick and fast this summer. They came in their hoardes, so many that I felt I couldn't quite capture their images quickly enough before their brilliance would begin to fade as the next angel came into view.

A very good question, other than, 'was I insane?' is why?, in fact a multitide of whys come to mind. Why did I see them?, Why have I felt compelled to paint or create them, Why were their colours so very vivid? Why so many of them?

Their presence lifted my heart and made me feel light and joyous, yet my seeming struggle to reproduce them in all their glory has left me tired but oddly satisfied.

How many images do I have? I don't know but at least a few hundred.

Why do I have them? Someione else helped me answer this question - a lovely lady who is also a healer saw an image of a diseasd organ in one of my paintings. We then spent hours pouring over them and found many more such images of problem areas of the body . Thank you Nicky for I might have continued to wonder about these images for longer.

I have Angel Chi cards, in fact hundreds of them to help in healing. Their swirling colours and wing shapes contain hidden messages for our health and feelings of well being. These angels want to be seen and truly want to help us to inspire our thoughts and calm our troubled mind.

I know there is power within these images and they are already starting to do their work.

thank you angels and I hope I have done you justice.