Monday, 23 March 2009

A Message from Jade Goody

Jade Goody died yesterday amid her family and a wealth of media interest. She was famous for being a celebrity with a big mouth in a culture which placed great value on celebrity status and allowd her to have the fame she so clearly craved.

Harsh words perhaps but there is another side of Jade, of someone who took life at face value and went for every opportunity. She was brave as the certainty of her death closed around her and she let the media in to help warn others. Since her diagnosis the numbers of young girls getting tested for cervical cancer has increased.

As I write these words about Jade she is standing at my side in my kitchen. As she arrived she came with an amazingly vibrant angel of green and orange shimmering vibrations with a misty cloak of white surrounding her. Angels with this mistyness are those who help the newly dead souls to understand and remember who they are.

Jade comes closer and I sense she wants to tell me something but it is not easy for her. "I want people to know how grateful I was about my life, how I loved the opportunities I had and how I made the most of them. It was as if my life was a whirl wind and I did not stop to think at all. I now have time to reflect, to dream and to learn. My problem was not in going for things but in never listening to my inner self. I was like a disaster waiting to happen. My boys are the most important things that ever happenned to me and it was for them that I allowed the cameras in at the end so they could see their mum, not as a media star but struggling to live for them alone. No one should have to die in such a way with young children. I was paying the price and I have learned so much in the last 24 hours.

The whirl wind has continued taking me with it on a journey of understanding and learing. I will always watch my boys and I know they are in safe hands. I also know that I had always known inside that I would die young and that was why I could not listen to my inner voice. I had to get out there and live the short life I knew I had.

At the end it is how you live your life that is important not how long you live for, and I certainly lived mine. I made mistakes but tried to put them right. Don't be afraid, go for what you want in life, we live for so short a time, make the most of what you have."

Jade is standing away now and I see other spirits around her, family members long dead but around to welcome her back into the spiritual family she belongs to. Together they leave and i know they are going to visit her boys again and I light a candle for a soul I had never liked but now understand, and for her 2 boys who are hurting so much.

For more information on angels visit

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