The ancient land of Avalon dominates our landscape. The tor rising on its mound visible for many miles around. This morning it rises above the mist like a fairytale mystical castle in the sky floating on its bed of clouds. This is a land of ancient ceremonies and magic underfoot.
The ancient energies from the people who lived here in olden days still permeate the land and at first disturbed me. These swirling energies helped to awaken my own inner ability to 'see' things beyond the range of the human eye and like many people I did not, at first, relish this special gift.
The spiritual power of Avalon lies in its past and the ancient people's who worshipped there. Over centuries travellers have come to worship and for healing in its springs. The power centre set up in olden days still exists and is rises in intensity once more.
Glastonbury now is a place of incredible energies. There is so much healing done around this place and so many connections made with the earth and the spirits. We have pagan workshops, earth mother conferences, all manner of reiki, reorientation, Magdalene teachings, bioenergy meditations, drummimg, vortex healing, shaminic hypnotherapy and a multitude of other often weird and wacky therapies.
Last December i was priveledged to be allowed to exhibit my angel artwork at a Conference of Angels in Glastonbury. At the same time as the organisers were wondering which angel could be the angel for the conference I found myself painting a new angel. She appeared in a haze of pale blue and green energies of incredible calm, trust and an all knowing belief in the future. I don't always understand everything in my paintings and a friend saw the mythical chalice around her. I had painted it yet not seen it.
Angels can exist as guardians of special places as well as for individual people. Avalon is the guardian angel of the ancient healing centre at Glastonbury and is helping to restore its healing power and to link this centre to others, both old and new ones in a matrix of healing sites for the 21st century.
Avalon is truly an exciting place in which to live.
For other information on the angels see
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