I have just updated my website, got new leaflets printed, new business cards and am surrounded in the hallway by the paraphenalia for the show. (boxes, treatment couch, display stands). I am spending 3 whole days at the Healing Weekend working in an outdoor marque. This is usually a wonderful show in glorious sunshine, but at present I hear the heavy rain falling outside the house. tomorrow they forcast thunder and lightening. oh well!
I intend to enjoy the show anyway, meeting up with old friends and lots of lovely people for 3 days in the Somerset countryside whatever the rain.
I nornally give a talk at the show, but this year my subject matter was not thought to be suitable for a healing show. my subject was ' The Angels of World Peace'.
These incandescent beings of light are incredibly powerful and amazingly beautiful angels which I have been allowed to glimpse recently. I have created their images as best I can but can never quite capture their brilliance.
These angels are for the big events in life which affect all of us at times. They are the angels to help on the aftermath of a tsunami, an earthquake, a random act of terrorism or for individual hurts and inconsolable grief.
I would like to let the images and light from these angels flood out for others to see. I gave a talk on them yesterday evening to a local group of therapists. As I cannot talk about them at the Healing Weekend I want to spread their word and love via this blogsite.
This turquoise angel is the angel of the breath. She helps people who have ever struggled to breath for whatever reason, including the memories from a past life such as dying in the gas chambers or drowning at sea. Her name is Horacea and she is very apt for a new venture and new workshops in my life.
A friend and I are now running universal rebirthing workshops. these use the power of the conscious connected breath to loosen and release old memories and patterns which hold us back. These new workshops will also be using many of the angels which I have seen and created.
Horacea, the angel of the breath is breathing new life into my workshops and hopefully allowing many others to breathe more easily and to enjoy their life more fully.
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