Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Love, the Angel of the Heart

A friend phoned unexpectedly to tell me about her sudden heart attack and rush into hospital. She is over 60 but in good health and the heart problem came completely out of the blue. She always had a sense of humour and her husbands reaction brought a wry smile to her face. It had happened in the middle of the night and as the pains gripped around her heart and she felt unable to breathe she woke him and gasping to breathe said she needed an ambulance. His reaction of 'don't worry dear I will make you a nice cup of tea' was not appreciated nor was the cup of tea itself.

Apparently she nearly died and one doctor asked if she had seen anything whilst close to death. Always one to 'see' things she told him about facing a brick wall and being unable to break through it or to find a doorway. The doctor assumed, as I did that her time had not yet come.

After speaking to her I was aware of an angel around me, a beautiful brilliant pink one, and one through whom I could send love and healing to my friend. This was Love, the angel to help heal broken hearts. She is one of a group of extremely powerful healing angels. The power of the cerise ray to bring about change clearly radiates around her. These angels can not only sweep away any emotional blocks within people but can also begin the process of healing the body. Her phenomenal wings can sweep away problems which we cannot face alone. As Love heals the heart, she drops a cloud of white feathers for the brave of heart and for the journey yet to come.

Angels such as Love can help to bring about miracles as they heal the deep hurts from times long gone allowing the energies of the heart to flow freely again. My friend is recovering and doing the recommended activities and on the plus side knows there is an angel especially for her to call on anytime.

for further information on the angels visit http://www.angelsrus.co.uk/

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