Friday 27 April 2012

Angel in the Clouds

The Angel in the Clouds When I was a child I was a bit of a dreamer and loved pictures in the clouds. I remember walking to school so many times and seeing images and pictures to delight the soul and inspire my imagination. Rabbits slowly disappearing into the hat of the clouds, a dragon breathing fire suddenly losing its power or a unicorn standing proud with his horn pointing across the sky. I was still in bed this morning when I remembered the cloud pictures so I looked out of the window. There before me was an angel unfurling before my eyes. A large brilliant white angel which formed for an instant and like all cloud pictures immediately began to loose its form as faster grey clouds swirled in front of it. A confirmation, a sign from above and a warm fuzzy glow left behind. We all need confirmation in our lives and messages can come in many different ways. I have just put my first book – The Colour of Angels- onto the kindle store. It was supposed to be a simple job but it took me a week, having to load so many images of angels and portions of text. It felt like a mammoth task and another learning curve. When I was young we all thought life would be simple once the basics had been learnt. How naïve we all were for life is changing so fast and the pace is quickening all the time. Thank you my angel in the sky.

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