Saturday, 12 November 2011

11.11.2011. A New World and 12.12.2012

11.11.2011, a New World and 12.12.2012 The Angels of World Peace have arrived from far distant galaxies. With them they bring a phenomenal light and overwhelming love. They are here to help at this time of change. These angels are here to help with the big things in life. They will never find us a parking space or a new job. Their role is so much more important. The ancients knew that this would be an interesting time in which to live and various groups talked or wrote about 2012 in reverential tones. They did not know what would change, only that change would come. The earth and all who live on this wonderful planet are slowly being killed with the memories of the songs from ancient and not so ancient times. Happy memories just fill us once again with joy. It is the dark memories of terror and grief and a rage so great that revenge is wanted that cause us, and the earth great problems. All these memories are in the process of being disturbed and made lighter. These could be the memories of past lives we have tried to suppress or the collective grief of the souls who could not move on after death. What is disturbing these memories? Why are they being woken up? We keep these memories from our own past lives within the energy channels of the body. These flow within the muscles and deeper into the organs. The energy channels in all of us have been under a constant zapping for years now as wireless broadband has flooded our homes, offices and lives. This is the force or the light to move the memories from their dark hiding places and into the open again. How do old memories affect us? They once more cause us to relive the emotions of the time. We fear the pains of this remembering and try to prevent their movement. This could be of fear as we were killed by a sword of a marauding tribesman. It could be that we were the killer and the memory could cause a guilt so intense we cannot cope anymore. Guilt is in the eyes of the imagination as everything was forgiven about before the mountains rose out of the ground or the continents drifted apart. The Angels of World Peace have arrived with their intense probing beams of light. The beams can pick out the memories from the dark corners and help them move into the brighter, light of the heavens and at long last find peace in their hearts. The earth too, is playing its part. The magnetic north pole is once more shifting slightly. It has done this many times and will settle down again. In the process though changing weather patterns can bring havoc to many. In my town last week an ancient quay wall was washed away from the town in a flash flood, leaving vulnerable old buildings shaken and perilous. The buildings had been built over the old town castle site and in particular over the old dungeons. The wall breaking loose allowed the souls of many of the old prisoners to move into the light of a brighter world and into freedom. The angels were waiting for them and are still gradually helping them move along an arc of light to where their friends and family are still waiting for them. How can we help? Much help is already being given across the world via an almost invisible spiritual movement. This has no leaders but an immense energy from people feeling the right thing to do. Yesterday I was among 17 people, armed with drums, who walked to the top of a local hill and did a ceremony at 11.oclock. We had 4 minutes of silence, 2 for the dead in the wars and 2 for the future of the planet. The sun shone and the winds whipped round as our group did our ritual ceremony. Many such ceremonies were taking place and this combined force for peace from ground level can work wonders. New energy connections are being made across the world to help the energies within the soils, the rocks, the fields and the waterways to move freely once again. It is not too late for the future of the earth but is nearly so. Hope never dies either within people or within the wondrous planet of our birth. By 12.12.2012 the process will be finished. All the old memories will have been woken up and returned to where they want to be. The world will settle down once more. The legacy of the shifting sands of old memories could still be felt. Memories do not belong to one person in isolation but to groups of people and to the land. As one memory is healed it is as if the beating wings of the butterfly have gossamer threads which gently pull in many places around the world as all memories of the event are healed. This is the most amazing time in the history of the planet. It is the opportunity to gain a freedom which we have not felt for thousands of years and the early days of life on the earth. Embrace this new found freedom and enjoy every day you breathe the fresh air and every minute spent in the company of friends and make laughter a big part of life. Thank the angels for the new you. For more info on the angels see