Tuesday 20 October 2009

High Blood Pressure and Angel Chi

Angel Chi
Chamini was one of the first of the amazing healing angels that I saw. She arrives in a swirl of orange and gold energies and like all the angels she lifts my heart and lightens my soul. As her energies unfurl a beautiful orange angel appears with a translucency around her full of sprinkles of shimmering lights and stars.
Chamini can make her presence felt with warmth as her energies touch our own. Her love and her warmth flows through the core of our being and help to calm our stresses. A picture of Chamini has been used by one lady for about 3 months now.
Angela was told she had high blood pressure and wanted to avoid medication. After spending a year trying many alternatives fron herbs to healing she reluctantly had to follow the advice of the medics and began to take medication for high blood pressure. When I met her months ago she wondered if the angels could help.
A flash of orange light appeared in my mind and the image of Chamini appeared. From her wings glimmering lights shone and flickered and I felt that this angel might with high blood pressure. I posted out the image of Chamini and waited with excitement.
A month later an email arrived to say that her blood pressure was slowly falling and she had started to slowly reduce her medication. The nurse at the surgery was not happy with this, but sometimes life can be unexpected and wonderfully welcoming. 3 months later she emailed to say that she was off all medication as her blood pressure had returned to normal levels. The nurse was now scratching her head in amazement.
Thank you Chamini. Your colours and energies entered her psyche and gave hope to her beautiful soul. Your love lit up her body and helped heal it from inside. You are a magnificient angel.
For more information on the angels visit www.angelsrus.co.uk

Monday 5 October 2009

Welcome to Angel Chi

Sometimes life seems fast and furious and we feel we are continually rushing just to keep up with yesterday. It has been a lot like that for me for the last few months and the blog has fallen to one side, not forgatten about but a victim of the fleeting incessant movement of time.

The angels came thick and fast this summer. They came in their hoardes, so many that I felt I couldn't quite capture their images quickly enough before their brilliance would begin to fade as the next angel came into view.

A very good question, other than, 'was I insane?' is why?, in fact a multitide of whys come to mind. Why did I see them?, Why have I felt compelled to paint or create them, Why were their colours so very vivid? Why so many of them?

Their presence lifted my heart and made me feel light and joyous, yet my seeming struggle to reproduce them in all their glory has left me tired but oddly satisfied.

How many images do I have? I don't know but at least a few hundred.

Why do I have them? Someione else helped me answer this question - a lovely lady who is also a healer saw an image of a diseasd organ in one of my paintings. We then spent hours pouring over them and found many more such images of problem areas of the body . Thank you Nicky for I might have continued to wonder about these images for longer.

I have Angel Chi cards, in fact hundreds of them to help in healing. Their swirling colours and wing shapes contain hidden messages for our health and feelings of well being. These angels want to be seen and truly want to help us to inspire our thoughts and calm our troubled mind.

I know there is power within these images and they are already starting to do their work.

thank you angels and I hope I have done you justice.

Sunday 14 June 2009

The Old Violin

Yesterday evening we visited a local village church, not for a service but a musical recital. The church was packed even the choir stalls were full. The concert was a musical recital by 2 promising young musicians, both young women who both looked amazing and played music as if they were one and the same as the music. The notes floated from their souls to fill the lovely church with amazing energy and the sounds of the angels.

I though could see many angels filling the rafters. The angels love beautiful music and surround those who make such wonderful music when it can make the heart sing and the soul rise to the heavens. Among the angels I saw was Gabriel. He is the homecomimg angel to help us in reconnecting with who we really are. I wondered why I was aware of his presence but I soon understood.

As the violinist played and her violin sang with life I could glimpse her playing as a young male violinist dressed from hundreds of years ago. Then I suddenly knew that she had lived before as a famous violinist but more than that she played the same violin. The original violin was made in 1596 and is now priceless but this incredibly talented woman had been loaned this same violin. There was no way she could ever afford it but the universe sometimes has ways of surprising us. Over 500 years later, thousands of miles from its origin the violin was returned to its first owner. Magic happens far more often than we realise.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Seeing Angels

Angels surround us all. They fill our days with light.
Their love and soft downy feathers comfort us and warm our
hearts. Angels surround me in my garden. When I rest a while by the rose arch I feel their presence and I feel at peace. I can also feel their presence at other times and I catch glimpses of their colours around people who are just shopping or talking.

The angels are around us all. Like all young children my daughter often seemed to focus on things not quite seen by us adults. The gift to 'see' these beautiful spirits is often hidden as people grow up. I like many others had lost this ability for most of my life, but through love for my daughter I managed to find it again.

This ability to 'see' the angels comes from the pineal gland in the brain. This region responds to light to make chemicals, but far more then that, its light sensitive cells can detect the higher energies of the angels. It gives us visions and insights into a wider world, one of love, magic and dreams.

We all have occasional glimpses through this partially open doorway into another world where the mists still surround our eyes and the images are blurred. I welcome these images into my life and search for more. The more of these glimpses I accept the more the mists clear from before my eyes and the more certain I am of what I sense around me.

Monday 8 June 2009

summer solstice angel

A new angel has just appeared in my life. I often see these beings of light as flashes of colour which take form on paper or on the computer. The colours are so important as a part of their message. With this angel the swirling energies of yellow and blue represent the sun in the mid summer sky and the pale blues of the angel are there to give us courage and the self belief to follow our dreams.
At mid summer the energies of change are at their greatest and we can all tap into these to bring about change in our own lives.
At present I do not even know her name. I probably will be given a name for this amazingly beautiful angel before or on the summer solstice.
Remember this angel at the solstice and remember that changes at this time can be incredibly powerful, life changing and wonderfully positive with the power of the sun in our favour.
For more information about the angels visit www.angelsrus.co.uk

Wednesday 3 June 2009

The Wise Women of Old

Yesterday a friend and I were invited to an amazingly old and wonderful cob house. It looked idyllic, a chocolate box house in a typical english cottage garden with obligatory stream. Nestled in a wooded valley with the june sunshine warming the land it looked like a slice of heaven on Earth.

Inside the house though it was different and it was the house we had been invited to see and hopefully to heal.

There were 2 great back to back inglenook fireplaces where the mediaeval hall would have been and it was around these fires that we could feel the energies of others. We sat down in front of one of these fires and together with the help of the angels we let our thoughts roam and slowly began to unravel the story of the wise country women.

Around 500 years ago the house was lived in by 3 generations of wise women. They collected herbs, made poultices and tended sick animals. Their beliefs were tolerated by their neighbours until they upset a powerful religious farmer. He used his influence to spread lies and scandal about these women calling them devil worshippers. Fears increased and persecution began. Eventually they were all burned at the stake as witches.

The youngest of the women was Nancy who was only 19 and 6 months pregnant. After her death Nancy felt numbed and unable to leave the Earth. Her spirit returned to the only place of sanctuary she knew, her old house.

There she had remained ever since, still shocked, fearful and full of guilt over her baby. the other women had stayed with her to comfort her and to draw attention to her plight.

The current owner of the house is sensitive and aware that she lived there for some important reason. 500 years ago she had lived as Jack, Nancy's brother. In this life she had returned , not to avenge her death, but to heal her life.

As the story unravelled a staircase of light opened up and the angels gradually led Nancy up into the light. One special angel Plaeos surrounded her in love and helped ease her sense of shock. As the other women left I saw a beautiful red rose bud fall from the sky onto the owners lap. A thank you gift, given with overwhelming love. Her job here had been done.

It feels a privelege to be able to use my gifts to help a soul such as Nancy and to bring calm to such a magnificient house.

For more information of the angels visit http://www.angelsrus.co.uk/

Monday 27 April 2009

A Green Angel

The rain falls but the beauty of the garden remains. It is a soft warm rain falling gently to Earth, excatly what my new plants need. It hydrates the ground and intensifies the greeness I see out of the window.

April is suppossed to be the month of showers but this spring has been different with glorious weather and the new shoots of regrowth sprouting earlier than usual. I love the pale green colours of the fresh new foliage. It cloaks the silover birch in minute leaves and brings the old beech tree back to life again.

This green is the colour of freshness and new beginnings and the continuation of life. This green seems to have become my colour and I am wearing it more and more in clothes and jewellery. This green gives tranquility to my soul but more than that it helps me connect to my inner self and to who I am.

My angel is Wuaza. She is also surrounded by the fresh greens of new life and rebirth. She is my angel and appears at my side when I need her calmness or inspiration. At other times she can be so small that I can carry her in my heart.

We all have a place in our hearts especially reserved for the angels. Love them and invite them in.

For more information on the angels visit http://www.angelsrus.co.uk/

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Love, the Angel of the Heart

A friend phoned unexpectedly to tell me about her sudden heart attack and rush into hospital. She is over 60 but in good health and the heart problem came completely out of the blue. She always had a sense of humour and her husbands reaction brought a wry smile to her face. It had happened in the middle of the night and as the pains gripped around her heart and she felt unable to breathe she woke him and gasping to breathe said she needed an ambulance. His reaction of 'don't worry dear I will make you a nice cup of tea' was not appreciated nor was the cup of tea itself.

Apparently she nearly died and one doctor asked if she had seen anything whilst close to death. Always one to 'see' things she told him about facing a brick wall and being unable to break through it or to find a doorway. The doctor assumed, as I did that her time had not yet come.

After speaking to her I was aware of an angel around me, a beautiful brilliant pink one, and one through whom I could send love and healing to my friend. This was Love, the angel to help heal broken hearts. She is one of a group of extremely powerful healing angels. The power of the cerise ray to bring about change clearly radiates around her. These angels can not only sweep away any emotional blocks within people but can also begin the process of healing the body. Her phenomenal wings can sweep away problems which we cannot face alone. As Love heals the heart, she drops a cloud of white feathers for the brave of heart and for the journey yet to come.

Angels such as Love can help to bring about miracles as they heal the deep hurts from times long gone allowing the energies of the heart to flow freely again. My friend is recovering and doing the recommended activities and on the plus side knows there is an angel especially for her to call on anytime.

for further information on the angels visit http://www.angelsrus.co.uk/

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Rachel the Angel of the Truth

It was the day of the village spring clean. About 30 of us set out along varoius lanes converging in the centre of the village. We were armed with gloves, grubbers, bags, luminescent day glo jackets (kindly proveded by the council) and of course 2 sheets of health and safety risk analysis (also provided by the council!) These sheets provided the information, in case I did not know that it is possible to cut oneself when picking up broken glass, ye Gods how ever did we manage pre risk assessment.

As we progressed towards the village we collected the usual McDonalds bags, plastic wrappers, cider and beer cans thrown into the ditches and also began to amass a fine collection of empty vodka bottles. At first these were a joke, but then as the collection increased questions sprang to mind. Were these from the same person? was this a lonely individual who parked along the lane to drink the vodka or just came to deposit the bottles anonmously? I don't suppose we shall ever know. the final collection came in at over 60 large bottles and some small ones.

I had not been aware of the presense of the angels all day, having been so busy chatting as we walked along and also afterwards in the village hall where we had refreshments. It was only later as I thought about the bottles and the person who left them that I was suddenly aware of a flash of pale blue light and Rachel the Angel of the Truth was in my thoughts.

Rachel appears for people who fear the truth and who try to hide it both from themselves and others. Through her I ask for support and healing for our mystery drinker. She can help people to trust that when the truth is faced it is never as bad as feared.

For other information on the angels visit www.angelsrus.co.uk

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Obama's Angels

President Obama was born an indigo child. Indigo children have the world in their hands. It is a state of mind but far more than that it is an ability to instinctively know the rights and wrongs of situations. The indigo child listens to their inner voice and hears the call from beyond. The indigo child is courageous and confident. Courage is not something they have to work on, it is just there deeply entrenched in their soul. The indigo child knows inside that they are special and shoulders the responsibility that comes with the role they have chosen.

We were all indigo children once upon a time, when we came to the Earth for our first ever life, we all had the indigo energies of incredible courage and self belief flowing through our veins. Successive lives on the Earth have dented our spirit and the wind has been blown out of our souls as we search for the meaning to life.

The Earth needs indigo childen now and plently are arriving full of fresh hopes and dreams that can become reality. With the indigo child comes the power of the indigo angels of great achievements and success.

Khamel is one of many angels around President Obama as he struggles with problems of state nad of trying to unravel the complexities of global situations. Khamel is one of the angels of the higher dimension with incredibly powerful wings. These powerful wings and swirling indigo energies help dispel doubts and confusion and the light of Khamel can reach into the souls of so many. This is an angel for the brave and for the person truly following their path through life.

Monday 23 March 2009

A Message from Jade Goody

Jade Goody died yesterday amid her family and a wealth of media interest. She was famous for being a celebrity with a big mouth in a culture which placed great value on celebrity status and allowd her to have the fame she so clearly craved.

Harsh words perhaps but there is another side of Jade, of someone who took life at face value and went for every opportunity. She was brave as the certainty of her death closed around her and she let the media in to help warn others. Since her diagnosis the numbers of young girls getting tested for cervical cancer has increased.

As I write these words about Jade she is standing at my side in my kitchen. As she arrived she came with an amazingly vibrant angel of green and orange shimmering vibrations with a misty cloak of white surrounding her. Angels with this mistyness are those who help the newly dead souls to understand and remember who they are.

Jade comes closer and I sense she wants to tell me something but it is not easy for her. "I want people to know how grateful I was about my life, how I loved the opportunities I had and how I made the most of them. It was as if my life was a whirl wind and I did not stop to think at all. I now have time to reflect, to dream and to learn. My problem was not in going for things but in never listening to my inner self. I was like a disaster waiting to happen. My boys are the most important things that ever happenned to me and it was for them that I allowed the cameras in at the end so they could see their mum, not as a media star but struggling to live for them alone. No one should have to die in such a way with young children. I was paying the price and I have learned so much in the last 24 hours.

The whirl wind has continued taking me with it on a journey of understanding and learing. I will always watch my boys and I know they are in safe hands. I also know that I had always known inside that I would die young and that was why I could not listen to my inner voice. I had to get out there and live the short life I knew I had.

At the end it is how you live your life that is important not how long you live for, and I certainly lived mine. I made mistakes but tried to put them right. Don't be afraid, go for what you want in life, we live for so short a time, make the most of what you have."

Jade is standing away now and I see other spirits around her, family members long dead but around to welcome her back into the spiritual family she belongs to. Together they leave and i know they are going to visit her boys again and I light a candle for a soul I had never liked but now understand, and for her 2 boys who are hurting so much.

For more information on angels visit www.angelsrus.co.uk

Thursday 19 March 2009

Avalon - the Angel of Glastonbury

The ancient land of Avalon dominates our landscape. The tor rising on its mound visible for many miles around. This morning it rises above the mist like a fairytale mystical castle in the sky floating on its bed of clouds. This is a land of ancient ceremonies and magic underfoot.

The ancient energies from the people who lived here in olden days still permeate the land and at first disturbed me. These swirling energies helped to awaken my own inner ability to 'see' things beyond the range of the human eye and like many people I did not, at first, relish this special gift.

The spiritual power of Avalon lies in its past and the ancient people's who worshipped there. Over centuries travellers have come to worship and for healing in its springs. The power centre set up in olden days still exists and is rises in intensity once more.

Glastonbury now is a place of incredible energies. There is so much healing done around this place and so many connections made with the earth and the spirits. We have pagan workshops, earth mother conferences, all manner of reiki, reorientation, Magdalene teachings, bioenergy meditations, drummimg, vortex healing, shaminic hypnotherapy and a multitude of other often weird and wacky therapies.

Last December i was priveledged to be allowed to exhibit my angel artwork at a Conference of Angels in Glastonbury. At the same time as the organisers were wondering which angel could be the angel for the conference I found myself painting a new angel. She appeared in a haze of pale blue and green energies of incredible calm, trust and an all knowing belief in the future. I don't always understand everything in my paintings and a friend saw the mythical chalice around her. I had painted it yet not seen it.

Angels can exist as guardians of special places as well as for individual people. Avalon is the guardian angel of the ancient healing centre at Glastonbury and is helping to restore its healing power and to link this centre to others, both old and new ones in a matrix of healing sites for the 21st century.

Avalon is truly an exciting place in which to live.

For other information on the angels see www.angelsrus.co.uk

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Chamuel and his Spirituality

it is the second beautiful spring day in a row yet it is only March. The sun is trying to breakthrough the early morning haze but its heat is already warming the land and my coat is put aside. After so many months of multiple layers it gives a sense of freedom.

I took some time out this morning, left the housework and went into the garden. Like all gardens it needs effort and attention to give of its best. I am not a very good gardener and last summer's borders still need clearing out. A few hours later, some of the borders looking better and a new shrub that I bought, as usual with no idea where to place, finally in position I feel I deserve my coffee.

The angel I have felt around me this morning is the Archangel Chamuel. His green and pink energies are of overwhelming love and help to heal hurts over love. I wondered why Chamuel was around this morning but a dream I had last night suddennly flashed into my mind. It was a dream of a man who I hurt badly over 20 years ago and who I have not seen since. We all have areas in our lives where we wish we had handled situations differently and with the wisdom of maturity I would now respond with more tact and compassion but the deeds have been done and the words, now deeply regretted, said.

The presence of Chamuel around me suggests that he can heal the hurts in another, not just within me. the power of the angels is phenomenal and i have asked for healing for this man whom I left so long ago. With his help I hope the hurts that I caused can be lessened and we can both be more at peace with the memories of the good times we shared.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Spiritual Love and the Angel of Soul Mates

A new day, a new dawning, light rising over the mist on a beautiful spring morning. it is a new beginning, a fresh start to the year and a time of new growth and expansion. It is a wonderful time as the green shoots unfurl and rise towards the sun'a rays, the ladybirds come out of their winter hibernation and all is well with the world.

As the sun reaches every living cell it brings hope, joy and great expectations for what lies ahead. Humans too are not immune from the force of nature. We also feel the power of the early spring sunshine as we begin to raise our hearts in anticipation of renewed energies in the summer to come.

With the spring comes a reminder of the deepest connection we have with our soul mate. This was a connection made in the stars long before life began on the earth and is a connection so strong that meeting again even now still sets our hearts racing and sets our world awry.

With such a connection we are transported into a world of a different dimension. We have established a link beyond the physical world and opened a gateway to a world of wonderment.
They will help us to forge our destiny and choose our journey.

The soul mate disturbe our equilibrium and makes us look at the world with freshly opened eyes and a deeper level of understanding. The soul mate will always be there for us even if living together in this life is not possible. The loss of such a special soul on whom we have placed so much trust and love can be profound.

There is a beautiful angel, fresh as a day in early spring. She brings with her the energies and eternal peace of pale green and the energies of the fresh yellow srping flowers. With her comes the promise of eternal comfort and of a meeting again beyond the confines of the earth where dreams can come true.

Amelanchior, for that is her name, is this special angel who holds great promises and bountiful love. She appears to give comfort to the hearts of those who have loved and lost this truly special love. Her green feathers symbolically float gently down around the soul in their dreams bringing comfort during the nights.

She is one of the angels of a higher dimension and serves to reestablish a link with something magnificient in all our lives.

Blessings to everyone on theis lovely spring day as we walk with joy in our steps and peace in our hearts.

More information on the angels can be found at http://www.angelsrus.co.uk/